If you enjoy a cocktail from time to time, leave your cash out of the casino if you set out to do your drinking in a casino. I am serious. Empty your pocketbook, your money belt, and leave all money, credit cards and checkbooks back at the hotel. Pack only the cash you anticipate to spend on refreshments, tipping and only the pocket change you anticipate to squander and leave the rest behind.

Pessimistic? Not really. Just realistic. You may well experience a win after a inebriated night out with your compatriots and be blessed enough to hit a marathon roll at a smokin craps game. Don’t forget that story considering that it’s as brief as it gets if you consistently drink alcohol and bet. These activities simply don’t mix.

Keeping your money out of the casino is a little bit excessive, but defensive actions for excessive actions is necessary. If you play to win, then don’t drink and gamble. If you like to throw away your money without a concern, then drink all the complimentary booze you are able to handle, but don’t take plastic credit and chequebooks to toss into the mix of going after squanderings after your befuddled head squanders all the cash!

Allow me to take this 1 step further. do not drink and then go online to play in your preferred casino either. I love to beverage from the coziness of my condo, but due to the fact that I’m connected through Neteller, Firepay and have credit cards at my fingertips, I can’t drink alcohol and bet.

Why? Despite the fact that I do not drink a lot, when I drink alcohol, it’s definitely sufficient to cloud my common sense. I gamble, so I don’t drink when betting. If you are a drinker, do not wager when you do. The two mix up for a dangerous, and costly, cocktail.